
High quality celery consists of stalks which are straight, with rigid ribs that snap when bent, have minimal petiole twisting, and have a light green and fresh appearance. The leaves should fresh and well colored, with no signs of wilting.

Care & Handling

Mr. Duke's Celery is hydrocooled and stored at 0 to 2°C (32 to 36°F) with 98-100% R.H. At optimum conditions, celery should have good quality after storage up to 5 to 7 weeks.

Stalk count Product Label Cases per pallet Tie High
24 Naked Mr Duke 32 8 4
30 Naked Mr Duke 32 8 4
36 Naked Mr Duke 32 8 4
24 (sleeved) Naked Mr Duke 32 8 4
24 (sleeved) Mr Duke 32 8 4

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